'Buy AumSum Merchandise: http://bit.ly/3srNDiG Website: https://www.aumsum.com Fermentation is a process in which natural bacteria and yeast breakdown the sugar and starch present in the food, producing lactic acid and other compounds. For decades, fermenting was a technique used to preserve food. However now-a-days, fermented food is getting a lot of attention because of the benefits it provides. Firstly, as the fermented food is predigested or broken down by bacteria, these foods are easier for us to digest. Secondly, fermentation increases the nutritional value by producing beneficial enzymes and vitamins. Thirdly, as microorganisms breakdown lactose present in the food, lactose intolerant people can eat yogurt and other fermented milk products. Lastly, fermented foods contain probiotics which are good or friendly bacteria. They improve our gut health, thus leading to a healthy immune system.'
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