'Integrative Home Health Care Helps Client Who is a Falls Risk'

04:03 Apr 10, 2023
'For BAYADA, Home Health Care is more than just providing care in the home setting; it’s holistic, integrative care coordinated across our nine specialty practices. Many clients don’t realize they could benefit from other services—whether it’s physical therapy that could prevent falls or medication management that could prevent rehospitalizations, for example—but that’s why having a caregiver in the home is so important.  Carol is an RN who works in BAYADA’s Home Health practice. In an interview with Mike, the Home Health Practice Leader, Carol recounted an experience with one of her clients.  Carol’s patient, Ruth, lives alone; her husband had recently passed. When Carol arrived one day, she found that Ruth had been lying on the couch for 14 hours. She went to grab a flag, ended up losing her balance and fell. She managed to get onto the couch, at least, and knowing that Carol was scheduled for one o’clock the next day, she waited.  For 14 hours, no one checked on her. At some point, the phone rang and went unanswered. Ruth hoped that would alert someone, but still—nobody came.  When Carol walked in for her shift, she could hear Ruth exhale and say in a weak voice, “Oh, Carol, thank God you’re here.”  Ruth is diabetic, so when Carol ran over, she checked her sugar, blood pressure, and heart rate. She called a doctor and got her something to eat and drink. Luckily, Ruth used to be an Operating Room nurse and was able to get through the night—she’s a tough lady.  It’s an experience like this that shows how valuable BAYADA can be as a health system. An individual clinician can only do so much, but having a connection with an overarching team that could provide therapists, social workers, or other caregivers means that the patient can receive the most thorough care possible. Ruth having balance issues meant that a physical therapist needed to come in and work with her. If the PT hears crackling in her chest without a stethoscope that means a nurse is back to reassess and listen to her lungs. It’s constant communication back and forth, and it’s what helps prevent rehospitalizations.  There are so many differences between home care and, say, the ICU. The latter is a very controlled environment with pushcarts, machines, and a team that covers you. You don’t have to think past what’s directly in front of you. With home care, there’s an even deeper level of social needs you need to take into account: the family, the dog, and their surroundings. Learning that may seem difficult, but it just takes some time and a lot of listening and observation. BAYADA makes sure to train their caregivers comprehensively, so they feel comfortable assessing the client holistically, being alone in the home with their client, and recognizing signs and symptoms even outside their sphere of care.   When care is delivered effectively, it’s holistic. And every day is a new adventure for home health care clinicians, whether you’re a skilled nurse or a physical therapist or anything in between. Each day you get up and know you’re going to make a difference. You’re going to meet your clients where they are and work with them to get them what they need.  If you want comprehensive home health services that conform to your changing needs, http://bit.ly/2SBDttB' 
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