'This video is your step by step guide for how to grow your home care agency. A lot of home care companies struggle with this simple concept of how to get patients and grow their agency. To grow your home care company is easy and this video shows you exactly what you need to do achieve your growth goals In this video you will learn how to market in home health care and the keys to success in starting a home care agency and ensuring that it grows. For inquiries - Email me at info@entplife.com Book a mentoring session with me (for healthcare, business, real estate, and more) - https://bit.ly/ENTP-mentoring Do you want to learn how to start a Nurse Staffing Agency? Sign up for my 8-hour course ‘Passive Workforce’ - https://bit.ly/PassiveWorkforce Do you want to learn how to invest in real estate? Sign up for my 15-hour investors course \'Killing the American Dream\' - https://bit.ly/ktamericandream #entp #HHA #homehealthcare #passiveincome'
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