'In this video, you will learn about the EVENING ROUTINE OF A HEALTHCARE WORKER and runner...... trail runner! As a Physical Therapist Assistant working in home healthcare, I am always on the go! A day in the life of a trail runner and physical therapist assistant can get BUSY! My evening routine incorporates eating, goint throught the ordinary skincare routine, finishing work notes, spending time with my husband, eating high protein snacks from sinfit nutrition like their fruity cereal protein powder that tastes like Fruity Pebbles, etc! As a busy healtcare worker and trail runner, nightime can get busier than it should be. Sometimes we eat out, sometimes we don\'t, but the key is to be eating food with good overall nutrition! As you will see, I am partnered with and use Sinfit Nutrition Products....they have such delicious protein shakes! I hope you enjoy my evening routine ...thank you for watching! *I am partnered with SINFIT NUTIRTION! PLEASE SUPPORT me is you would like to purchase any of their amazing products!! DISCOUNT CODE FOR SINFIT NUTRITION: \"hypedbyali20\" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________ ABOUT ME: I am a FITNESS and RUNNING GURU! I have a Masters in Coaching and Athletic Administration, a Bachelors in Exercise Sport Science and I am a Licensed Physical Therapist Asst. I LOVE everything that has to do with strengthening the body and improving its function! I am a VERY active and HYPER person and will cover a variety of content focusing mainly on HEALTH, FITNESS, RUNNING, NUTRITION....but I will also include other things I am passionate about (eg: cute hairstyles and fashion)! MAKE SURE TO SUBSCRIBE AND FOLLOW MY INSTAGRAM:) *INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/aliloves2run_/ *MY CLOTHING LINE INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/hypersparklez/ *SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQUR... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ____________________________________________________ KEEP COMING BACK FOR MORE \"HYPED\" CONTENT!!!!'
Tags: home healthcare , fruity pebbles , high protein snacks , nightime , the ordinary skincare routine , trail runner , EVENING ROUTINE OF A HEALTHCARE WORKER , evening routine of a healthcare worker and runner , delicious protein shakes , physical therapy home health , day in the life of a trail runner , day in the life physical therapist assistant , life of physical therapist assistant , sinfit , sinfit nutrition , runnershigh , day in the life of a physical therapist assistant , home health pt routine
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