'Korea\'s Fermented Food Takes a Step toward Globalization There is a rising interest on fermented foods all across the world. They have a long, preservative-free shelf life and nutrients. Korea is very familiar with fermented foods and kimchi, doenjang (soybean paste), and gochujang (chili paste) are some of the most loved traditional fermented foods in the country. Along with the growing international interest in fermented foods, dishes that combine Western foods with Korea\'s fermented ingredients have become much popular. One restaurant in Itaewon-dong use fermented sauces such as fermented vinegar, soy sauce, gochujang, and doenjang and captivate the taste of foreign customers. We look into the world of Korea\'s fermented foods. Visit ‘Arirang Issue’ Official Pages Homepage: http://www.arirang.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/arirangtv Twitter: http://twitter.com/arirangworld Instagram: http://instagram.com/arirangworld'
Tags: video , Kpop , TV , culture , korea , Korean , arirang , vod , issue , 4 Angles
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