'Fall Try-On Haul with ELOQUII |Plus Size Fashion|'

'Fall Try-On Haul with ELOQUII |Plus Size Fashion|'
15:35 Jun 14, 2023
'For 50% off your first item and 40% off any additional items, visit http://eloquii.com/sarahrae and use promo code \"sarahrae\" during checkout!   Thanks again to Eloquii for sponsoring this video!  ITEMS SHOWN:  Cascade Detail Blazer: https://www.eloquii.com/cascade-detail-blazer/1266944.html?dwvar_1266944_colorCode=49   Slim Cigarette Pant: https://www.eloquii.com/slim-cigarette-pant/1156926.html?dwvar_1156926_colorCode=49   Lace Up Jeans: https://www.eloquii.com/lace-up-grommet-jean/1106812.html?dwvar_1106812_colorCode=19  Distressed Jeans: https://www.eloquii.com/peach-lift-jean/1106137.html?dwvar_1106137_colorCode=19  Black Duster: https://www.eloquii.com/lightweight-duster/1076867.html?dwvar_1076867_colorCode=100   Grey Sweater:  https://www.eloquii.com/ruched-tie-sleeve-sweater/1086868.html?dwvar_1086868_colorCode=46    V L O G   C H A N N E L➜ http://youtube.com/sarahraevlogas  M Y  K I D S   C H A N N E L➜ http://youtube.com/laladayday S N A P C H A T➜ @sarahhhrae  I N S T A G R A M➜ http://instagram.com/sarahhhrae T W I T T E R➜ http://twitter.com/ravingsbyrae  B U S I N E S S   C ON T A C T➜ [email protected]  MY MAILING ADDRESS:  Sarah Rae Vargas  2758 US Highway 34  STE B 147  Oswego, IL 60543  My brother Jason Vlogas\' IG & YouTube Channel  http://instagram.com/jasonvlogas https://youtube.com/jasonvargas1  My sister\'s IG & YouTube Channel  http://instagram.com/thesensiblemom http://youtube.com/alotofsavings  FTC: Description box may contain affiliate links/codes!  xxSarah' 

Tags: Fall Fashion , try on haul , plus size fashion , ravingsbyrae , sarah rae vargas , sarah rae vlogas , ravings by rae , Eloquii , eloquii fashion , plus size suits

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