'Vistek recently had the pleasure to sit down with renowned Fashion Photographer Miguel Jacob to discuss his approach on how to succeed in the often stressful world of Fashion Photography. Shop Profoto at Vistek: http://bit.ly/shop_vistek_profoto / Shop Phase One at Vistek: http://bit.ly/shop_vistek_phase_one About Miguel: Miguel’s distinct photographic voice has landed him award-winning fashion magazine covers and celebrity photoshoots. Miguel has also appeared as a guest photographer on America\'s Next Top Model during episode 5 of season 18 shot during Toronto Fashion Week. Miguel\'s extensive client list includes: Flare, Bullett, Nylon, The Bay, Sears, Beringer Winery and Universal Records. He has also photographed many celebrities including Michael Bublé, Jay Manuel, Lisa Ray and Alexa Chung. Shot live at ProFusion Expo during Miguel’s Fashion Photography demonstration in the ProFoto Booth. Miguel Jacob Photography: http://www.migueljacob.com/ Special Thanks to Miguel Jacob, ProFoto, Phase One and Audi Downtown Toronto (http://www.audidowntowntoronto.com/ )'
Tags: fashion , how to , fashion industry , education , Behind the Scenes , photography , behind the scene , Photographer , fashion photography , Phase 1 , fashion shoot , photographers , studio lighting , profoto , photography lighting , medium format photography , fashion photographers , phase one , Vistek , professional photography tips , Miguel Jacob , Vistek Camera
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