'Get my free proven Illustrator shortcuts + exclusive fashion design templates to cut your design time in half: http://bit.ly/sfd-free ************ When bringing raster (pixel based) artwork into Illustrator, you may notice a very quick and very big jump in your file size. While some of this is unavoidable due to the memory that pixel based artwork consumes, you can do a few things to help minimize this. Working with both Photoshop & Illustrator, I\'ll show you how to create a repeating plaid pattern swatch from an image. You will learn: How to crop your image in Photoshop and what resolution you need to use (00:48) How to crop with perspective (CS5 and earlier) (01:29) How to Place raster (jpg, tiff, png) images in Illustrator (02:09) What is a Linked file? (02:19) How to Embed a Linked file (02:52) How to convert an image into a pattern swatch in Illustrator (3:23) *************** *************** Further your fashion design career by gaining confidence in AI - I\'ll show you exactly how in my free Ultimate Guide to Illustrator for Fashion: http://bit.ly/sfd-ug-ai Visit the Website: http://bit.ly/sfd-yt Like on Facebook: http://bit.ly/sewheidi-fb Follow on Pinterest: http://bit.ly/sewheidi-pin'
Tags: tutorial , photoshop , pattern , swatch , illustrator , fabric , adobe , plaid , seamless , cs5 , tutoring , scan , repeating
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