'Today\'s video is a turban tutorial. I show you how to achieve 2 African head wrap styles. These head wraps (turban tutorials) are super easy. These are the 2 styles that I wore last weekend at London Modest Fashion Week where I met loads of amazing people. I met NabiilaBee too and she is so sweet! Hope you enjoy these tutorials Let me know which one was your favourite down in the comments. Subscribe if you are not already and share this video with your friends, family and anyone else that you think might benefit from i.. Let’s get social: Instagram and Snapchat: Aishcream1 See you back here next week xoxo'
Tags: fashion , how to , beauty , Easy , natural hair , african , LONDON FASHION WEEK , ankara , hijab fashion , patricia bright , protective style , modest fashion , how to tie a head wrap , nabiilabee , adannadavid , dina tokio , Gele , lmfw , Turban , head wraps , turban tutorial , chinutay , how to tie a headscarf , habiba da silva , Nigerian turban tutorial , shahd batal , african head wraps , turban tutorial nigeria , nigerian head tie , head wrap videos , african turban , head wraps for short hair , LMFW 2018
See also: