'In this video, we\'ll be filling Technical Flats with COLOR in Illustrator. These flats were created using CLOSED shapes, so if you need to review that skill, please check out my other BEGINNER level tutorials such as BASIC TEE. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNFkBM5ChlI&t=6s) Skills covered in this video will be: -Working with Variable Width Strokes -Working with the MAGIC WAND -Locking Objects and/or Working with Layers -Working with Swatch Libraries -Working with Group Isolation Mode -Editing Color through the Fill (Color Picker) Be sure to take notes and ask questions in the comments below! Be sure to subscribe and thanks for checking out my channel...MORE videos to come!'
Tags: adobe illustrator , illustrator tutorials , adobe for fashion , adobe illustrator for fashion , technical flats in illustrator , filling flats with color
See also: