'Enjoy an all-shoe fashion haul ASMR video with lots of yummy binaural sounds and a QVC style! ♥ 500+ Exclusive Videos For Patreon Supporters http://www.patreon.com/psychetruth ♥Free Trial Wellness Plus – Exclusive ASMR Content https://psychetruth.vhx.tv/browse ♥Exclusive Content (not YouTube Friendly) http://www.psychetruthpatrons.com ♥Listen To Me On Spotify https://open.spotify.com/artist/3yJngn0PgnZyJ4pWVXXM4h #ASMRPsychetruth #CorrinaRachel #ASMRWhisper ---------------------------------- ASMR Binaural Whisper Shoe Haul | Fashion Tingles Ear to Ear Tapping, Scratching Enjoy an all-shoe fashion haul ASMR video with lots of yummy binaural sounds and a QVC style! Shoes by Trendsgal.com, links below! Trendsgal top seller: http://fshion.me/QItJP8 Graceful Patent Leather and Sexy High Heel Design Peep Toed Shoes: http://fshion.me/FLbX5d Elegant Patent Leather and Butterfly Design Sexy High Heel Sandals: http://fshion.me/ntx4CN Trendy Checked and Color Block Design Women\'s Pumps: http://fshion.me/LYrJAm Retro Beading and Solid Color Design Women\'s Sandals: http://fshion.me/qC1oJB Women\'s Sandals: http://fshion.me/ntx4CN Trendsgal women\'s trend: http://fshion.me/qC1oJB ASMR Massage & Spa Social Media & Website Links YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/ASMRMassageSpa Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/ASMRpsychetruth Instagram - http://www.instagram.com/ASMRPsychetruth Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/ASMRpsychetruth Patreon - http://www.patreon.com/psychetruth Exclusive Website - http://www.psychetruthpatrons.com Pinterest - http://www.pinterest.com/psychetruth Featuring Corrina Rachel http://www.corrinarachel.com http://www.youtube.com/corrinalovesjazz http://www.Facebook.com/CorrinaRachel http://www.instagram.com/corrinarachel ✶ #ASMR Tingle #Triggers 1 ✶- Sound Assortment #Tapping, Scratching, Whisper 3D Sound Binaural https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xHP14hulLc So Relaxing ASMR Scalp Massage & Hair Sounds Binaural 3D Tingle Triggers No Talking https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-9S5oEpd4Q Relaxing ASMR Massage 4 , Softly Spoken & Gentle Whisper Full Body Massage, Foot Massage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ej-uq5cLCZI Toys Tingles #8, ASMR Star Wars Collectables Tapping & Scratching Triggers 3D Soft Spoken Binaural https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7ipLsRK1YY Music By iChill Music Factory http://www.ichillmusic.com © Copyright 2015 Target Public Media, LLC. All Rights Reserved.'
Tags: shoes , Fashion (Industry) , asmr , relaxing , fashion haul , sleep , high heels , women's fashion , Women's Shoes , relaxation , Shoe Haul , psychetruth , tingles , asmr tapping , asmr whisper , corrina , asmr Scratching , gentle whispering , asmr binaural , Corrina Rachel , soft whispering , binaural whisper , asmr corrina , whisper ear to ear , relaxing whisper
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