'#ugcnethomescience #ugcnetjrfhomescience #ugcnettextilesandclothing #ugcnetjrftextilesandclothing #textilesandclothing #whatisfashionadvertising #fashionadvertising #advertising #homescience #misscreative #educationpoint #studypoint What is Fashion Advertising/UGC NET - JRF/ HomeScience/Textiles and Clothing|| Miss Creative Hey guys Welcome Back About this Video Namaskar Dosto, Is video me mene btaya h ki fashion advertising kya hoti h, ye topic ugc net/jrf homescience k lie important hai . I hope, apko meri ye video helpfull lagi hogi and pasand ayi hogi, thank you. if you have any question related to this topic Any Query: then you can mail us on:- misscreativeqanda@gmail.com You can also follow us on different Social Media Platforms Instagram:-https://www.instagram.com/miss_creative_1996/ Thank you for watching this video students if you like the video then like subscribe and share See you in the next video!!!!'
Tags: advertising , study point , fashion advertising , what is fashion advertising , what is advertising , ugc net jrf homescience , ugc net homescience , ugc net textiles and clothing , ugc net jrf textiles and clothing , miss creative ugc net homescience , miss creative homescience , textiles amd clothing ugc net , miss creative study point , miss creative
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