'A carousel slide projection of 1920\'s fashion trends for women in the Great Gatsby era. The robe de style. The garcon Look. The chemise dress, hung from shoulder to the knees. The drop waist dress. Short crop, and bobbed hair Cloche Hats. Pleated Skirts, Sweaters, and cardigan Combinations. Silk stockings worn with T-strap heels. Lots of costume jewelry. Velvet and fur shawls, for accessorizing Outerwear. The rise in sportswear and bathing suits. Pajama Suits or beach pajamas. And a massive increase in the use of Makeup. There was much more to 1920’s fashion trends, than flapper slang, and dancing to the Charleston ! The explosion of creativity, and innovation in women\'s style in the 1920\'s, left an indelible impression on culture. All subsequent eras, would seek to emulate, or re-imagine the fashion and spirit, of the 1920\'s woman. You can now read the lavishly illustrated, concise history of 1920\'s fashion. Visit: https://glamourdaze.com/history-of-womens-fashion/1920-to-1929'
Tags: 1920s makeup , 1920s hairstyle , sweaters , 1920s fashion , costume jewelry , flappers , great gatsby fashion , drop waist dress , flapper dress , 1920s fashion history , cloche hats , bob cut , Pleated Skirts , silk stockings , cloche hat , Chemise Dress , T-Strap heels , Bobbed Hair , cropped hair , beach pajamas , 1920s bathing suits , 1920s shoes , 1920s fashion trends , Robe de Style , Short Crop , Pajama Suits , garconne look , 1920s cardigans , 1920s fur shawl , 1920s skirts
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