'One of Adobe Illustrator\'s most powerful tools is the ability to create repeating patterns. But beyond just making them, it\'s actually really easy to resize, move or transform the repeating patterns inside an object in Illustrator. A great trick for fashion and textile designers, this comes in handy when you need to position the pattern on a fashion flat sketch or garment drawing. You will learn: 00:19 What is an engineered pattern in fashion? 01:20 How to place a repeating pattern swatch on the chest of your fashion flat by drawing it manually or using a clipping mask 03:18 How to add a fill color / stroke back to your clipping mask shape 04:19 How to change the size / scale of a repeating pattern swatch inside your fashion sketch 04:50 How to debug when your pattern is not scaling 06:18 How to move the position of your repeating pattern inside your illustration 07:10 Keyboard shortcuts (the Tilde key) to scale or move patterns without scaling / moving the object they fill 07:33 Keyboard shortcuts for German keyboards that don’t have the Tilde key *************** *************** Further your fashion design career by gaining confidence in AI - I\'ll show you exactly how in my free Ultimate Guide to Illustrator for Fashion: http://bit.ly/sfd-ug-ai Visit the Website: http://bit.ly/sfd-yt Like on Facebook: http://bit.ly/sewheidi-fb Follow on Pinterest: http://bit.ly/sewheidi-pin'
Tags: fashion design , scale , tutorial , illustrator tutorial , pattern , illustrator , Move , fashion sketch , patterns , adobe illustrator , textile design , fashion flat , repeating pattern , pattern swatch , surface design
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