'Part 3 in a series of tutorials that demonstrate digital pattern cutting in Adobe Illustrator. Watch the tutorial & get downloadable content here: https://patternlab.london/home/project/measuring-patterns-adobe-illustrator/ Like manual paper pattern cutting, the ruler is possibly the most important tool in your arsenal. Having the ability to measure straight and curved lines, and mark points on those lines is a fundamental part of pattern cutting. It’s the same for digital pattern cutting, although, the tools we use are slightly different. In this tutorial, we show you which tools we use to do this and how to use them effectively. Follow Us: Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/patternlabLDN/ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/PatternLabLondon/ Twitter - https://twitter.com/PatternLabLDN Pinterest - https://uk.pinterest.com/PatternLabLDN/ Reddit - https://www.reddit.com/r/PatternLab/ Website - https://patternlab.london'
Tags: how to , draping , tutorial , sewing , pattern making , pattern drafting , adobe illustrator , DRESSMAKING , fashion students , pattern cutting , pattern maker , digital pattern making , patternlab , drafting patterns , digital pattern cutting , measuring patterns
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