Sep 22, 2023
'Guilty of trying to draw EVERYTHING in Illustrator with the Pen Tool? Even complex fashion trims like zipper pulls, clasps and buckles? There’s a MUCH easier (and faster) way to draw these trims and make sure they’re PERFECT. And you can do it all with the ellipse and rectangle too - that’s right, just BASIC shapes! Make sure to watch to the end where I’ll show you how to add realistic gradients. ►► Download my free fashion vector library with over 200+ trims that you can use for your own designs in Illustrator! https://successfulfashiondesigner.com/yt-flats/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Still haven’t subscribed to Sew Heidi on YouTube? ►► http://bit.ly/SewHeidiYTSubscribe ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CONNECT ►► SFD Website: http://bit.ly/sfd-yt ►► Follow on Instagram: http://bit.ly/SewHeidiInsta ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FREE RESOURCES
Tags: fashion design , tutorial , fashion sketch , adobe illustrator , fashion flat , fashion trims
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