'There are so many ways people use a flat sketch now, one of them being to create a fashion CAD. And if you are using a flat sketch for fashion design and showing a fashion flat sketch on a CAD to a buyer, you may want to add shadows in Illustrator or shadows and highlights in Illustrator to make your flat sketches of garments look more interesting and more realistic. If you are creating a CAD for fashion design and you are using Illustrator for fashion design, this is a great fashion tutorial to help you make your CADs look even more inviting. Take my new Illustrator for Fashion Design Beginner course: https://383design-digital-fashion-school.thinkific.com/ How to Add Shading to a Flat Sketch in Photoshop https://youtu.be/nqNAuhLaHxQ How to Warp a Pattern Design in Illustrator https://youtu.be/GbEstmeVWVc Wanna see more fashion design tutorials and videos like this? SUBSCRIBE NOW: https://www.youtube.com/user/383design Need private training or a live, online course? Visit our website and take an adobe for fashion class with us: http://www.383designstudionyc.com Let\'s Be Social: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/383design/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/383designstudio #383design #flatsketch #fashiondesign'
Tags: flat sketch , fashion tutorial , fashion cad , flat sketch fashion design , illustrator for fashion design , flat sketches of garments , fashion flat sketch , cad for fashion design , shadows in Illustrator , shadows and highlights in illustrator
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