'Week 18 - Level EASY - INTERMEDIATE - It\'s assumed that you know how to create/ use a print from the Swatch window inside of the Adobe Illustrator application. Create a plain or a more intricate Gingham print. If you want to skip ahead as I will point out in the video. Adobe Illustrator\'s filters make this an intricate design in no time. Use the same Flat Sketch that I am using in my video by visiting: + https://fashionchalkboard.com/free-resource-vault-way/ Here you will receive the Free Welcome Kit & instructions for the Vault soon after. Use #flatsketch52 on Instagram to share how you used this little tip and interact with other fashion enthusiasts.'
Tags: textile design in illustrator , Create a gingham textile in illustrator , how to create a textured gingham swatch , create a seamless tile with no fill no stroke bounding box , gingham checker print in adobe illustrator , ludmila loves fashion design , textile design basics
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