'www.tiechest.com - In this video, we will examine different types of snap style cufflinks, including kum-a-parts, twin-latch, sta-lokt and correct do-lock cufflinks. Some of the mecanisms may surprise you! Twin-Latch cufflinks: https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/485431443/extremely-rare-vintage-1920s-cufflinks?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=twin-latch&ref=sr_gallery_1 Sta-Lokt cufflinks: https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/474956033/vintage-1920s-cufflinks-sta-lokt-gold?ga_search_query=sta-lokt&ref=shop_items_search_1 Correct Do-Lock cufflinks: TBA Snap style cufflinks in our store: http://stores.ebay.ca/RTreasuresForYou/_i.html?_dmd=2&_nkw=snap+cufflinks&LH_TitleDesc=1 The Tie Chest is an online men\'s accessory store, specializing in theme and collectible neckties as well as vintage men\'s jewelry such as cufflinks, tie clips, tie chains and more. Ebay store: www.thetiechestonebay.com Etsy store: www.thetiechestonetsy.com Facebook & Pinterest: @thetiechest'
Tags: art deco , vintage jewelry , Men's Jewelry , Cufflinks , jewelry history , sta-lokt , kum-a-part , twin-latch , tie chest , the tie chest , vintage cufflinks
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