'LOL I think personally this is another favorite, inspired partly by the highly requested modeling clothes video. I find the lifestyle of a model, according to what I hear about it, to be quite tough, and designers can be the not so nicest of people, sometimes... So, I inspired that into a french accent character who is ready to get the next higher paycheck, and not care about the models so much... Hope you enjoy this concept... and the disastrous runway walk LOL! Follow My Life: https://youtube.com/tonybomboni Twitter: https://twitter.com/asmrer Facebook: https://facebook.com/officialtonybomboni Instagram: https://instagram.com/asmrer Support: https://goo.gl/RVD6s5 Extra Support: https://goo.gl/XK2y8e'
Tags: fashion , Designer , fashion designer , Design , fashion designing , clothes , modeling , runway , FRANCE , paris , model , walk , asmr , you , Versace , donatella versace , for , Fashionable , french , Gets , Ready , fashion designer job , runway walk , run way , tony bomboni , ASMR tony bomboni , tony bomboni ASMR , french accent , donatella , asmr french , french asmr , gets you ready , run way walk
See also: