'Get my free proven Illustrator shortcuts + exclusive fashion design templates to cut your design time in half: http://bit.ly/sfd-free ************ This tutorial will show you how to create a zipper tooth pattern brush in Adobe Illustrator that you can use over and over again on all of your fashion flats. You will learn: How to define the edges of your pattern tile with a Bounding Box (00:50) How to turn your open tooth zipper into a pattern brush (1:33) How to draw a closed tooth zipper pattern brush (2:03) How to draw a partially open zipper (3:18) How to change the direction of your brush (flip the zipper teeth) (03:34) *************** *************** Further your fashion design career by gaining confidence in AI - I\'ll show you exactly how in my free Ultimate Guide to Illustrator for Fashion: http://bit.ly/sfd-ug-ai Visit the Website: http://bit.ly/sfd-yt Like on Facebook: http://bit.ly/sewheidi-fb Follow on Pinterest: http://bit.ly/sewheidi-pin'
Tags: fashion , Design , tutorial , howto , pattern , Apparel , educational , illustrator , Software , adobe , tips & tricks , teeth , Brush , Computers , Tooth , zipper , cs5
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