'In this video I\'m sharing how to use illustrator to start building and creating custom letters and typography! I use these techniques and the pen tool for almost every design project, and hopefully my illustrator tutorial will help you figure out how to use the pen tool! This is about practice, and using your designs to create something great! Oh also- I got engaged! Links below! ...................................... MY LINKS W E B S I T E http://paolakassa.com P A T R E O N http://patreon.com/paolakassa venmo a donation $1-$5 @paolakassa P I N T E R E S T http://pinterest.com/paolakassa T W I T T E R http://twitter.com/PaolaKassa I N S T A G R A M http://instagram.com/PaolaKassa like the music? Music by ninjoi. - Acceptance - https://thmatc.co/?l=B8A9B11 Custom Typography video https://youtu.be/HL089yqsWGA #graphicdesign #typography #paolakassa xx, Paola Kassa'
Tags: how to , Design , tutorial , custom , art , inspiration , illustrator , how to use , adobe , type , graphic design , images , digital art , adobe illustrator , Sketches , letters , design tutorial , how to create , tracing , Typography , lettering , pen tool , how to use illustrator , paola , paola kassa , paolakassa , kassa , designing type , how to use the pen tool
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