'Our world is constantly changing, and now more than ever, creatives are forced to find new ways to make work. In this episode of FUTURE NOW, i-D and Tiffany & Co bring together three photographers fusing identity, community and escapism into their practise, to dive deep into their inspirations, intentions, and unique creative vision. Stella Asia Consonni drives out to a deserted reservoir to photograph a couple against a cinematic backdrop; we meet Christina Nwabugo in Hackney Marshes to discuss community and Black female empowerment in her photography; and Steph Wilson shows us around her vibrant house and studio space, where she explores self-portraiture and surrealism. Follow their journeys in i-D\'s latest installment of FUTURE NOW! Featuring Stella Asia Consonni Christina Nwabugo Steph Wilson Director Tom Ivin Producer Christina Barrett DOP Diana Olifirova 1st AC Karl Hui Sound Recordist Jermaine Monero DIT Ash Daniyan Production Coordinator Zara Murray PA Cassandra Galiwango Editor Jack Abbot Colour Ruth Wardell @ Electric Theatre Collective Sound Mix Ines Adriana Online Assistant Editors Samuel Bottenberg & Miles Williams Account Manager Minji Kim Executive Creative Director Georgina Bacchus Creative @roberthickerson Lead Client Partner Lauren Ceravolo Account Director Kayleigh Gray-Layton Exec Producer Declan Higgins Editor-in-Chief Alastair McKimm Social Media Director Danil Boparai Digital Art Director Calum Glenday Follow i-D: YouTube http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-iD Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/i_D Twitter https://twitter.com/i_D Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/iDmagazineofficial Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/i_D Tumblr: http://i-donline.tumblr.com/ Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/i-d-online-1 More videos from the VICE network: https://www.fb.com/vicevideos'
Tags: new , fashion , Women , beauty , style , fresh , Bella Hadid , gucci , fortnite , magazine , balenciaga , kylie jenner , kim kardashian , asmr , bts , disney , Music , Netflix , i-D , identity , SNL , female , Marvel , Lgbt , Miley Cyrus , Next , lil nas x , coachella , photography , Feminism , selena gomez , drake , young , prada , Game of Thrones , Generation , documentaries , photographers , pewpewdie , i-D meets
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