'If you\'re curious about how it is shooting with the Pentax 645Z for fashion photography, you\'ll like this video. We talk about the epicness of medium-format digital, what it is good for, and what it isn\'t good for. Thanks to Todd Hata for the video footage, follow his channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCix1u7fu-ZFW0YwWemo25XA Follow Bil Brown on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsaJjCNlxvnPv6eRVg26LaQ Bil Brown on Instagram: http://instagram.com/bilbrown/ -- Learn more about photography here: http://erickimphotography.com/blog'
Tags: fashion , review , studio , street , eric kim , pentax 645z , bil brown , medium-format
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