'***Exclusive Rainbow Discount*** Rainbow saw this video and wants to give MY supporters a 20% off discount code. They sometimes have a 10% or a 15% on the website BUT with MY code ( Simply_selene) you\'ll save 20% off already BOMB prices!!! So, of course I had to share this with you all! Be sure to put my code Simply_selene in the *** REFERRED BY A FRIEND*** section at check out not in the promo code so that it works! MIGHT BE LIMITED TIME ONLY SO GET TO SHOPPING! website is; www.rainbowshops.com BTW tag me in y\'alls cute outfits!!! Hi loves! I really hope you guys take this video for what it\'s worth and hopefully it helps you all save one money while still looking cute!!! I really want to spread a positive message on affordable clothing and how you can still look cute even if its not hyped up. BTW, I\'m 98% positive my camera lens is broken or something because of that grey blob on the screen. SMH. I apologize if that\'s annoying! Also, the word \"onesie\" is probably wrong as my sis in law pointed out its a jumpsuit? haha who knows lol Lastly, is it lettuce detailing? hahaha Who let me have access to the internet? Business Inquiries: selene.business.inq@gmail.com Follow my SOCIAL MEDIA if you\'d like :) Instagram: simply_selene Snapchat: smply_selene Twitter: smply_selene Have a great day!'
Tags: girl , haul , ootd , latina , pretty , fashionnova , rainbow , jumpsuit , cuteclothes , clothinghaul , ootn , baddieonabudget , savemoney , cheapclothes , croptops , rainbowhaul , fashionnovadupes , summerclothes , tanktops , summerdresses , onsies , inexpensiveclothes , howtosavemoneyonclothes , cutetops , ruchedtops
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