Feb 23, 2024
'Life is all about learning and Udemy offers the best courses to help you grow in your career. Web Development: https://bit.ly/3mjWXE1 HTML and CSS: https://bit.ly/3FdGvMF Data Science: https://bit.ly/3EkcF8k Blockchain and Bitcoin Fundamentals: https://bit.ly/3eaNN88 ***** If an Indian man wears make-up, most people would make fun of him. However, wearing make-up is almost a common routine for Korean men. How did this develop? K-pop bands had a big role to play. Moreover, the reach of bands like BTS and Blackpink means that their beauty standards are also impacting other countries. What can India learn from it? ****** Research: Prachi Yadav: https://twitter.com/Prachi2505 Editing: Harshit Singh: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-y5zjOhdblFz7Ezwqrwi2w Editing Support: But Why: https://www.youtube.com/c/ButWhy/ ******
Tags: India
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