'Korea Seoul Hongdae Vintage Mens Womens Fashion 韓國首爾弘大古著尋寶潮人購物 Part 4'

'Korea Seoul Hongdae Vintage Mens Womens Fashion 韓國首爾弘大古著尋寶潮人購物 Part 4'
12:21 Mar 19, 2024
'#旅遊vlog #bestshopping #mustgohongdae  弘大是首爾獨立青年文化的中心。 學生和街頭藝人歡快地混在一起; 燈火通明的街道上,算命先生和古董店爭先恐後地吸引眼球。  到首爾弘大shopping唔係女人的專利,男人絕對唔怕悶,而且一定要帶足夠彈藥先好去,因為係弘大最怕就係唔夠彈藥血拼。弘大地鐵站 8 號出口附近的服飾店,價錢親民之餘,還齊集各種風格的衣服!  Hongdae, near Hongik University, is the epicentre of indie youth culture in Seoul. Students and buskers merrily intermingle; fortune-tellers and vintage shops jostle for attention along the brightly lit streets.  Shopping in Hongdae in Seoul is not a woman\'s patent. Men are absolutely not afraid of boredom and you must bring enough money to go shopping. The clothing stores are mostly located near Exit 8 of Hongdae Station, there is a wide selection of clothes in various styles, you can shop around and get your fashion items at affordable prices!   

Tags: travel vlog , travelling , travel blogger , travelvlog , traveller , 好玩 , 旅行vlog , 街頭美食 , 在地美食 , 街頭小食 , bestshopping , top10places , top10mustgo , bestplacesfortravel , 地道美食 , 買平野 , 旅遊vlog , top 10 places to visit in the world , korean shopping vlog 2021 , top shopping korea 2021 , top10 shopping korea 2021 , best10 shopping korea 2021 , korea place 2021 , must go korea place 2021 , must go seoul , korea shopping haul 2021 , 弘大購物2021 , best places for travel , korea designer , korea fashion designer

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