'New Rsps FashionScape 718 9/8/15'

'New Rsps FashionScape 718  9/8/15'
03:56 Apr 26, 2024
'This is a new Rsps that was only created a month ago with an owner dedicated to listening to his community and giving you the player what you want ,   Forum/DL Link : http://fashionscape.org/  We have added in:  BOSSES:  Vorago Skeletol Horror  QBD Kalphit King / queen  Wildy worm  Lucien (very soon) Added OFF hand weapons (ALL kinds!) Skilling is a goodway to make money AND bosses that require A team have been added!   pking  is fair in all styles of combat and all skills go to 120 with 2147m xp with 5b cape and 200m capes' 

Tags: fashion , private , server , eco , ECONOMY , customs , Runescape , mmorpg , fashionscape , pking , Nex , RuneScape (Video Game) , 718 , Vorago , runescape pking , rsps , Lucien , new rsps , rsps customs , 9/8/2015 , 9/8/15 , new runescape , new pking server , skeletol horror , custom bosses , pvming

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