'Fashion Cute Passion Fruit - From Seed to Vine'

30:02 May 24
'When my passion grew for passion fruit and I couldn\'t wait for my seed order for Passiflora edulis (Purple Passion Fruit), I went to the big Phoenix Uptown Farmers Market (at Bethany & Central) one Saturday to find some passion fruit.  A vendor said that she\'d seen them on a small stand (1\' x 3\') at Sprouts Farmers Market (which has many valley locations).  On that little stand I found a couple wrinkly Purple Passion Fruits that I was sure were spoiled.  But, being a newbie and having never tried them, the produce guy told me that \"the more wrinkly the better\".  So, along with a couple of passion fruits, I also bought a Dragon Fruit from the same mini exotic fruit stand.  This video is about how I turned those two specimens into 58 purple passion fruit plants that I planted in my yard, my dad\'s yard, gave 4 to my brother, sold about 14 on Craiglist, and gave the rest away to neighbors (on my \"Free Take One\" anonymous roadside stand (20\" tile on a 5-gallon bucket).  Needless to say, I\'m happy that the project has finished successfully.  As far as the seedlings went from seed to seedling, the passion fruit plant is very hearty and forgiving.  I lost maybe two in the process.  As long as they grew two true leaves, they were promoted up the levels to finally graduate by being planted somewhere in Maricopa County.  If you find value in this video, please help the channel with a \"like\" and if you haven\'t already subscribed do that, too, please.  And if your passion for the fruit was aroused, please share with a friend and click the bell to be notified when new releases occur.  And most of all, to yourself and others, \"Do pleasant things.\"' 

Tags: phoenix , gardening , permaculture , the elliott homestead , passion fruit , life uncontained , sprouts farmers market , plant abundance , I am organic gardening , self sufficient me , morag gamble , talasbuan , Passiflora edulis , Purple Passion Fruit , Surfview Gardens , 1000's of roots , mylittlehomestead , Tap o' Noth Permaculture , OffGridHawaii , OFF GRID with DOUG & STACY , EdibleAcres , Huw Richards

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