'Take my Skillshare course for FREE: https://skl.sh/2YjiinS M A T E R I A L S (Amazon Links) Amazon Storefront: https://www.amazon.com/shop/temidansoart - m a i n . s u p p l i e s - Marker set https://geni.us/ohuhu320 Coloring book https://geni.us/emzcolorbook - e x t r a s - White Pen https://geni.us/whitepen V I D E O . I N S P O @SuperRaedizzle @drawingwiffwaffles @jesskarp. F O L L O W M E ART INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/temi_danso PERSONAL IG: http://instagram.com/temidanso TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@temi_danso TWITTER: http://twitter.com/temi_danso FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/temidansoart/ E Q U I P M E N T - Main Camera https://geni.us/cameraone - Lens https://geni.us/lensone - Second Camera https://geni.us/phonecamera - Main Light https://geni.us/lightone - Ring Light https://geni.us/ringlight18in - Adobe Premiere Pro to edit - A lot of time and patience'
Tags: art , disney , artist , coloring book , colouring book , art hacks , professional artist , professional artist coloring book , painting in a coloring book , artist paints coloring book , adcartattack , chloe rose art , temi danso art
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