'Decora! Cute Japan fashion style!

'Decora! Cute Japan fashion style!
01:32 Aug 1, 2024
'This is Decora the cute Japanese fashion style  music: [ROYALTY FREE] BUNNY BOILER - Tubebackr FREE DOWNLOAD - https://youtu.be/Sv857oem5AM  You may use Bunny Boiler in your videos. Just credit tubebackr and drop a link to his soundcloud page in the video description. If you can’t or do not want to credit tubebackr or if you need high quality files (wav, flac) for commercial usage, please check his Bandcamp Page and Hooksounds Page. Credit text example (copy & paste): Bunny Boiler by tubebackr | https://soundcloud.com/tubebackr Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com Download: https://www.free-stock-music.com/tube...    If you are the owner of any of the images in this video and you would like to be credited or you want it removed please email or leave a comment and we will respond within 24 hours with credits or remove your images.   If you are the owner of any of the images in this video and you would like to be credited or you want it removed please email or leave a comment and we will respond within 24 hours with credits or remove your images.' 

Tags: cute , compilation , tokyo , Neon , street fashion , decora , kawaii , kawaii fashion , tokyo fashion , japanese fashion trends , Japanese girls , Tokyo girls , nippon , decora kei , kawaii faces , Kawaii Girls , decora kei makeup , japanes culture , decora kei doll , japanes fashion , cute japanes fashon , nippon culture quest , nippon culture

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