'hey guys, I wanted to share my journey with fashion and how I got into lolita and other harajuku fashion over time, and how it has impacted my life. I know its not anime but I still felt like I wanted to share this all with you. I hope you all liked my video and thank you so much for watching :) Youtube description MY PATREON ACCOUNT- https://www.patreon.com/_LoveMyAnime_ Thank you so much for Subscribing! You are all Awesome! ======================================================== Links to all my social media: Click here to see my daily anime life and morehttps://www.facebook.com/LoveMyAnimeC... Click here to see posts and many anime thoughtshttps://twitter.com/_LoveMyAnime_ Find me on Instagram: _lovemyanime_ Click here for My Youtube Channel page, Don’t forget to subscribe ^-^https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJrH... Click here to see my tumblr page :D https://lovemyanimebyketi.tumblr.com/ ANIME FANS UNITE! This video was made for fanmade and nonprofit purposes only, no copyright infringement was intended'
Tags: harajuku , lolita , fairy kei , harajuku fashion , decora fashion , Lolita fasion , _LoveMyAnime_ , harajuku fashion life style
See also: