'GOT 50 Seconds To Spare? THIS IS A MUST WATCH!! AMAZING INTRO/WELCOME VIDEO!! MEET THE CREATOR OF THIS CHANNEL!! Thank you so much for stopping by Princess Beauty Tv! My channel is about Beauty, Fashion, Makeup, Wig Reviews, and above all I\'m representing JESUS CHRIST, and sharing the gospel through my channel. At Princess Beauty it\'s not just about outer beauty, but it also about inner beauty which is way more important!! And you can\'t have inner beauty if you don\'t know Jesus as your personal Lord, Savior, and Friend. Hope you all like my new intro video as much as I do!! I did all the editing, and love how it turned out!! This video will be placed at the beginning of each my new uploads!! Enjoy my Loves!! L I K E. C O M M E N T. S U B S C R I B E. G E T N O T I F I E D . HIT DAT BELL SIS!! NEW UPLOADS EVERY WEEK!! JOIN THE ROYAL PRINCESS BEAUTY FAMILY!! YOU WANT REGRET IT!! 1 Corinthians 10:31 So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. (I\'m using my channel to Glory God) 1 Peter 3:4 But let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God\'s sight is very precious.'
Tags: fashion , beauty , hair , fashion tips , new youtubers , Jesus Christ , wigs , Intro Video , lace front wigs , fashion and beauty , new youtube channel , wig reviews , music videos 2020 , Wigs for black women , christian youtube channels , intro video for youtube channel , Christian Music Video , spread the gospel , fashion and beauty videos , diy/hacks/tutorials , christian makeup youtubers , christian beauty youtubers , princess beauty tv , christain music video , female christian rappers
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