'Trying on Colombian Butt Lift jeans for Valentines Day! If you are on the hunt for some cute Valentines day outfits, I got you covered! I try on the perfect valentines suitable jeans, from a romantic wine colored butt lift jean, to white elegant jeans, and even casual light blue denim! I truly hope that you ladies enjoyed my valentines day look book / valentines try on haul and found it helpful! Below, I will list some helpful links such as links to the Colombian butt lift jeans I have tried on in the video, and our Instagram, and facebook groups! I also compared Colombian butt lift jeans to my regular fashion nova jeans, and as you can see there is a big difference with the fashion nova jeans vs butt lift jeans! It is truly impressive compared to trying on fashion nova jeans. Jeans I tried on: Wine Colored Jeans: https://www.nicoletteshapewear.com/collections/colombian-jeans/products/wine-up-colombian-push-up-jeans-11696 White Jeans: https://www.nicoletteshapewear.com/collections/colombian-jeans/products/winter-colombian-push-up-jeans-11695 Light Blue Jeans: https://www.nicoletteshapewear.com/collections/colombian-jeans/products/copy-of-wine-up-colombian-push-up-jeans-11696 Dark Denim Jeans: https://www.nicoletteshapewear.com/collections/colombian-jeans/products/valentine-colombian-push-up-jeans-11055 USE CODE: NICOLETTEYT for 15% off sitewide! Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicoletteshapewear Follow Grace on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amazingxgracie Join our Facebook free Support Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/curvesyoudeserve Shop Nicolette Shapewear, Fajas, Butt Lifters and Jeans: https://www.nicoletteshapewear.com/'
Tags: clothing haul , fashion nova haul , OUTFIT INSPIRATION , butt lifting , jeans try on , valentines day , brazillian butt lift , butt lifter , clothing try on , date outfit , butt lift jeans , try on fashion nova , valentines outfits , valentines look book , try on clothing , colombian jeans , jeans haul , romantic outifts , date night looks , what are butt lift jeans , butt lifter try on
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