'ADVENTURE TO A-KON 27 | VLOG K-Pop Flash Mob, Lolita Fashion Show, Kpop Dallas'

'ADVENTURE TO A-KON 27 | VLOG K-Pop Flash Mob, Lolita Fashion Show, Kpop Dallas'
03:35 Aug 9, 2021
'Hey Chingus!   So I finally went  to #Akon for the very first time and I met a lot of Chingus while I was there. I had so much fun and I can\'t wait to see my #confam again in the future    Business Contact: [email protected]   Translator Nim:  Jimin Shin  Instagram: Shinjiminnn https://www.instagram.com/shinjiminnn/  Follow me?   Twitter: @SupaOppaLuv  https://mobile.twitter.com/supaoppaluv  Instagram: @MissaDays https://www.instagram.com/missadays/  Facebook Page: MissaDays https://www.facebook.com/missadays/?fref=ts' 

Tags: crunchyroll , totoro , Funimation , Jpop , AKON 27 , A-KON 27 , AKON27 , RealTDragon , Brook Rock A-Kon 27 , [A-Kon 27] Dallas 2016 , AKON 27 SATURDAY , KittieBob , BadWolf Otaku , BLACK BUTLER , PROJECT..A-KON 27 , Kpop Flash Mob , Big Bang Kpop Flash Mob , AKON27 Kpop Flash Mob , Kpop Dallas , Kpop Dallas at Akon 27 , Kpop and Jpop Dance Workshop

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