'An 80 year old Dinky Toy Aeroplane model - the Douglas DC3'

'An 80 year old Dinky Toy Aeroplane model - the Douglas DC3'
08:22 Aug 15, 2021
'An 80 year old Dinky Toy aeroplane model - the DC2/3. Made from 1938 to 1941. Coincidentally a model of the exact plane (PH_ALI) Leslie Howard was killed in. BOAC flight 777 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leslie_Howard   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MacRobertson_Air_Race' 

Tags: aircraft , klm , varney , airliner , die cast , dinky toy , dc3 , Amy Mollison , Wiley Post , Metal fatigue , Australia race , Leslie Howard , DC2 airliner , Douglas Aircraft , BOAC , meccano , MacRobertson , air race , cobham , jackie Cochran

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