'Watch these glamorous ladies from the 1960\'s model what are seemingly cocktail dresses but are actually underwear at the British Nylon Fair at the Royal Albert Hall in London. For Archive Licensing Enquiries Visit: https://goo.gl/W4hZBv Explore Our Online Channel For FULL Documentaries, Fascinating Interviews & Classic Movies: https://goo.gl/7dVe8r #BritishPathé #History #Fashion #Clothes #1960s #Sixties #Women #RoyalAlbertHall Subscribe to the British Pathé YT Channel: https://goo.gl/hV1nkf (FILM ID:103.15) M/S of three models from the British Nylon Fair at the Royal Albert Hall, London; two seated, one standing, all sipping drinks. The two at the left are wearing frilly pink nylon petticoats; the girl at the right wears a bright floral dress. A striking dark-haired girl with an amazing cylindrical beehive walks into shot, wearing a black sequinned bouffant petticoat with plain bodice; the standing girl hands her a drink. C/U as these two chat; then C/U of the girl on the left, tilt down to show she is wearing a full length underslip, with a very frilly layered skirt of pink, blue and white, and matching pink and white stole. C/U of her pink satin stiletto shoes with a matching frill across the vamp. C/U of the glamorous beehive girl (brilliant \'60s make-up), tilt down to show her black underslip: tight bodice with spaghetti straps and v-neckline, very full layered skirt of \"more than 50 yards of nylon lace threaded with silver\". Extreme C/U of the lace. M/S of a seated girl lighting a cigarette; she wears a white underslip with spaghetti straps, tied at the waist with a ribbon, with a straight layered lace skirt and a long pink stole. C/U of white lace skirt. M/S of her as two other girls walk into shot and sit next to her. They both wear very full and frilly nylon dresses. These outfits look too fussy to be petticoats but apparently they are, complete with \'dressing capes\'. On the left in pink with a high neck is Norma Madden; C/U tilt down of girl on the right in a blue dress with matching cape covered in \'Nodi d\'Amore\' (\'knots of love\' - white bows). C/Us of her feet in blue satin shoes with matching frill across the vamp then extreme C/Us of her stockings which have a built in sparkle! M/S of Jean Clark wearing blue pyjamas with a white ribbon down the front and two bows below the bust and the knees; tilt down to show the tight-fitting pants and ballerina slippers. M/S of a girl JC is talking to, wearing a truly horrible ruched and smocked pyjama suit with white frills attached. M/S of the two girls talking. Note: print used for transfer is quite scratched. Lovely film of \'60s frilly slips and petticoats \"becoming so fashionable it seems a shame to keep them hidden\". Bri-Nylon / Bri-Lon show programme on file. BRITISH PATHÉ\'S STORY Before television, people came to movie theatres to watch the news. British Pathé was at the forefront of cinematic journalism, blending information with entertainment to popular effect. Over the course of a century, it documented everything from major armed conflicts and seismic political crises to the curious hobbies and eccentric lives of ordinary people. If it happened, British Pathé filmed it. Now considered to be the finest newsreel archive in the world, British Pathé is a treasure trove of 85,000 films unrivalled in their historical and cultural significance. British Pathé also represents the Reuters historical collection, which includes more than 136,000 items from the news agencies Gaumont Graphic (1910-1932), Empire News Bulletin (1926-1930), British Paramount (1931-1957), and Gaumont British (1934-1959), as well as Visnews content from 1957 to the end of 1984. All footage can be viewed on the British Pathé website. https://www.britishpathe.com/'
Tags: beauty , cosmetics , footage , shoes , underwear , reuters , Documentary , newsreel , BritishPathe , fashions , British Pathe , GLAMOUR , modelling , nightwear , jean , Hairstyles , Clark , Madden , Smoking , Norma , CP 274 , 103.15
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