'Equinox Prime Access is live not just on PC but all platforms & Riven Dispositions for Primary & Secondary weapons have been adjusted only on PC. Sources Warframe Hotfix 24.5.8 & Hotfix https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1078777-equinox-prime-hotfix-2458-24581/ April 2019 Riven Disposition Updates https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1078776-april-2019-riven-disposition-updates/ My FashionFrame: All Warframes w/ Timestamps https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rP3J8ukyU98 https://twitter.com/Iwoply Sign up to Warframe: https://warframe.com/signup?referrerId=517668c61a4d80b145000085'
Tags: warframe , Warframe (Video Game) , Warframe Updates , Warframe Hotfix , Warframe News , Warframe Announcements , DE (Digital Extremes) , Warframe Tenno , Mastery Rank , Iwoply , This Week in Warframe , Equinox prime , tipedo prime , stradavar prime , Riven Mod Warframe , Disposition Warframe , Riven Nerf , Prime Access Relics , What relics drop Equinox Prime , How many parts to build Equinox Prime
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