'Chubby Bunny chats with this year\'s winner of the Her Universe Fashion Show, Kelly Cercone, at the Costume Guild mixer during San Diego Comic Con. Hosts Chubby Bunny http://www.twitter.com/iamchubbybunny https://www.facebook.com/iamchubbybunnyMichelle http://www.instagram.com/iamchubbybunny Defective Geeks: http://www.defectivegeeks.com http://www.twitter.com/defectivegeeks http://www.facebook.com/defectivegeeks http://www.instagram.com/defectivegeeks'
Tags: fashion , fashion show , fun , Party , movie , interview , dress , television , JOKER , evening wear , geek , convention , comic con , her universe , Comics (Comic Book Genre) , Mixer , chubby bunny , comic convention , San Diego Comic-Con International (Conference Series) , geek girls , lady geeks , defective geeks , costume guild , kelly cercone , sdcc 2015 , i am chubby bunny , joker's new look
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