'\"Previously having thrived among the Tenno in her natural Gersemi form, Valkyr is known for her capture and subsequent torment at the hands of Alad V. The obsessed Corpus scientist would bring Valkyr to his lab on Themisto, Jupiter where she would be restrained and subjected to harsh experiments. This mad science would greatly expand the Corpus\' knowledge of Warframe design, and consequentially left Valkyr maddened and scarred. Ultimately, Valkyr was deconstructed and used to produce the Zanuka prototype, Alad V\'s companion fighting machine. However, blueprints of her components can still be found after defeating Alad V in combat. Valkyr\'s abilities reflect her madness, accompanied by cries of anguish.\" http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Valkyr Warframe: https://www.warframe.com/signup?referrerId=57d828e43ade7f56a6200193 Music: Olympus - Ross Bugden (Intro) Around your heart - Witt Lowry'
Tags: fashion , warframe , frame , fashion frame , of , Shadow , shadows , prime , distance , warframe fashion frame , distance of shadows , fashion frame warframe , valkyr , Valkyr Prime , Valkyr Of Shadows , distance of shadows fashion frame , fashion frame distance of shadows
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