'1940s Women’s Fashion: Get the Look on a Shoestring; 1940s women’s fashion was heavily influenced by World War II, and many restrictions in fabrics, such as rationed and utility clothing, inspired women to use creativity with outfits, using what they already had. Discover how you can style a 40s vintage-inspired outfit on a shoestring by using vintage clothing and/or modern fashions and accessories to get this wartime look! #1940s Women\'s Fashion #How to Get the Look #20th C Fashion #spiritsoffashion https://youtu.be/xzvVzjeioKc Say hi on social: Facebook: https://facebook.com/SpiritsOfFashion Instagram: http://instagram.com/spiritsoffashionpassion/ Website: https://spiritsoffashion.net Summer Swing 2018 by Sascha Ende Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/3160-summer-swing-2018 License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/'
Tags: fashion , how to , vintage , vintage fashion , vintage clothing , 1940s , fashion history , 40s , 1940s fashion , 1940s dresses , 40s fashion , utility clothing , 1940s women’s fashion , 1940s women’s fashion get the look on a shoestring , fashion in ww2 , fashion in wwii , 1940s fashion advice , 1940s women’s outfits , 1940s women’s wardrobe , wartime fashion , rationed clothing , 1940s fabric restrictions , 1940s accessories , spirits of fashion
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