'Hi Crafters! Today\'s video is all about creating retro outfits on the cheap! I even reveal one of my favorite \"vintage\" shopping secrets! ;) I hope you enjoy it, and feel free to let us know your vintage fashion secrets in the comments! DIY 1940s-inspired Accessories: Flower Button Earrings https://partnersincraft.com/bahama-mama/ Silk Flower Accessories https://partnersincraft.com/flower-accessories-hair-clip-and-pin/ Headscarf https://partnersincraft.com/1940s-headscarf-diy/ Favorite 1940\'s Makeup and Hair Tutorials from Youtube Experts: How to Tie a 1940s Headscarf https://youtu.be/tDOU044QPoU Historically Accurate: 1940s Makeup Tutorial https://youtu.be/fy7SjCCLWWI Peggy Carter (Marvel) Tutorial Beauty Beacons of Fiction https://youtu.be/I60dMaVoh3s 1940s World War II Makeup Tutorial https://youtu.be/YMzBcxL_6BA'
Tags: diy , Budget , retro , vintage , 1980s , costume , vintage style , dress , 1940s , halloween , thrifted , 1980 , DIY Jewelry , retro style , 1940 , Diy accessories , Head Scarf , headscarf , history bounding , partners in craft
See also: