'We love love LOVE Hi Fashion! After El Lay\'s finest electro-pop band delighted the crowd at our recent record release party, we just knew we needed them to perform for us live and EXCLUSIVE! in our studio!!! Ch-ch-check out their doubly delightful acoustic version of Lighthouse (above)! Ummphh!! What a pitch-perfect performance!!! Known mostly for their lavish visuals and high-tech sound, it was a totally sweet change of pace to watch them unwind and literally unplug for our acoustic sesh! We cannot wait to have them back! Subscribe to my channel! http://bit.ly/perezhiltonsub Watch these amazing performances! http://bit.ly/perezperformance Listen to The Perez Hilton Podcast with Chris Booker HERE: http://PerezPodcast.com Follow Me! FAMILY CHANNEL: http://YouTube.com/ThePerezHilton WEBSITE: http://PerezHilton.com PEREZ\'S INSTAGRAM: http://Instagram.com/ThePerezHilton WEBSITE\'S INSTAGRAM: http://Instagram.com/PerezHilton GET A PERSONALIZED VIDEO FROM ME HERE: http://Cameo.com/PerezHilton LISTEN TO MY PODCAST HERE: http://PerezPodcast.com WEBSITE\'S FACEBOOK: http://Facebook.com/PerezHilton PEREZ\'S FACEBOOK: http://Facebook.com/ThePerezHilton WEBSITE’S TWITTER: http://Twitter.com/PerezHilton PEREZ\'S TWITTER: http://Twitter.com/ThePerezHilton About Perez Hilton: The original influencer, Perez Hilton founded and oversees one of the most iconic websites ever. In addition to his eponymous blog, he is the host of a very successful podcast, has a loyal following across two YouTube channels, has written three books, has acted in countless TV shows and films - as well as the stage. And, most importantly, he is the proud father of three happy and thriving kid and an adult child, his mother. Perez is one of the most sought after commentators and your best friend! Hi Fashion - \"Lighthouse\" (Acoustic Perez Hilton Performance) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0POkbP2aQaY Perez Hilton https://www.youtube.com/perezhilton'
Tags: ENTERTAINMENT , performance , News , video , pop culture , Celebrity , hollywood , top stories , breaking , gossip , celebrity news , Music , exclusive , famous , Feature , Fame , hollywood news , lighthouse , Acoustic , Perez Hilton , the perez hilton , perez , Hi Fashion , exclusives! , live and exclusive! , music minute , pereztv
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