'Source: https://www.spreaker.com/user/diverselygeek/mgu-cynthia-kirland-jane-burson-and-kris Join Neisha T Mulchan for an OMG amazing, maybe life-changing conversation with the winners of the 2018 #HER Universe fashion show, Cynthia Kirkland, Jane Burson and Kristie Siedow-Thompson. We ununcovered the beauty, the benefit and psycho social value of embracing and expressing our geek passions. And talked about, translating our fandom passions into positive action, creating successful, fulfilling, careers, communities, fellowships and identity. Kristie Siedow-Thompson is a noted, freelance fashion designer, as well as a graphic artist and app designer www.kristieinthecity.com @ksiedowthompson Cynthia Kirkland is a noted Costumer and Geek Fashion Designer, @Athel_Artistry Jane Burson is a noted Illustrator and Designer and a Specialty in History our of Textiles and material culture @Jane makes stuff on IG'
Tags: spreaker , cosplay , diversity , FashionDesign , geek , Fandom , rupaul , chromat , sdcc , heruniverse , ashleyeckstein , athelartistry , costumer , embraceyourinnergeek , kristieinthecity , theshapeofwater
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