01:34 Nov 3, 2021
'I was curious about the Butt lifters and if they really work. I figured the best way to give them a test was to BUY one.... needless to say I planned on ordering from #fashionnovacurve and they had the Butt lifter on SALE. I CAN NOT RESIST A GOOD SALE  I’m a sucker to a good deal. I came to the conclusion the Butt lifter does work but was SUPER UNCOMFORTABLE for me, Not a every day wear for me at all although I do know others that are perfectly fine with wearing the garment everyday.  Got it from :Fashionnovacurve  Paid : $6.00 Overall fit: Tight' 

Tags: fashion , family , beauty , Cleveland , haul , friends , United States , ohio , Plus , curve , Unboxing , fashionnova , bbw , plussize , tryon , FashionNovaCurve , blackgirlmagic , Snippet , Curvyincleveland , Big girls rock , Newtoyoutube

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