'Dark Souls 3: Trying Out Your Fashion Souls #6 - The Heide Knight Fashion!'

'Dark Souls 3: Trying Out Your Fashion Souls #6 - The Heide Knight Fashion!'
18:46 Nov 15, 2021
'Subscribe FOR MORE DARK SOULS 3 videos! https://www.youtube.com/user/codprodigyx  Check Out My PvP Video As The FUME KNIGHT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHaLcGHgs-E follow me on twitter & Twitch https://twitter.com/xProdz_ https://www.twitch.tv/lprod_  WATCH ALL MY DARK SOULS 3 PVP VIDEOS HERE!  https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQfQMybYw91eVOMavxA9BiZoIheGoYUJF' 

Tags: dark souls 3 , pvp gameplay , dark souls 3 pvp gameplay , Wolf Knight's Greatsword PvP

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