'Prosperity Textile @ Denim PV Fashion trade show Barcelona by La Moda Channel'

03:15 Nov 28, 2021
'Video Production by: www.lamodachannel.eu  For more information contact to: info@lamodachannel.eu  Founded in 1995, Prosperity Textile is an industry-leading denim fabric manufacturer with 60 million yards capacity, providing R&D, design and manufacturing services to global garment clients.  We run vertically integrated production in our 20-hectare world-class facility, located in Shaoguan, China. From dyeing to weaving and from finishing to inspection, fully automated lines ensure tight control of our materials and production quality.  With more than 20 offices and over 1200 employees around the world, Prosperity Textile provides global production capabilities back by in-time local customer service, shipping fabrics to more than 30 countries.  Our denim portfolio covers menswear, womenswear and kidswear, from bottom to shirting and with weight ranging from 5oz to 15oz. We merges the delicacy of premium cotton and innovative fibers with reworked utility, introducing a new sense of denim collection that maximizes the comfort and functionality of the fabrics.  As a responsible corporate citizen, Prosperity Textile unswervingly advocates low-carbon development strategy and integrates green manufacturing concepts through all stages of our company’s operation, from eco-materials, recycling water, gas and chemical, to installing sewage treatment system and eco-washing technology.  In 2014, Prosperity Textile was awarded “Innovative Pilot Enterprises of Internet and Industry Integration” by Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China, as an honor of its commitment and contributions to innovation.  Our mission is to provide customers the best one-stop fabric sourcing solutions, with a smart IT system, global production capabilities, local service, and fast, quality delivery. - 创立于1995年,北江纺织是一家快速成长的国际化纺织公司,为全球客户提供研发、设计和制造的一站式牛仔面料采购服务。  公司厂区位于广东省韶关市,占地面积320亩。从浆染、织布到后整理,北江纺织均配置了世界一流的现代化生产设备,实现生产运营垂直一体化,产能达6000万码,年产值约10亿元人民币。公司还通过了ISO 9001、Oeko-Tex ® 100及白名单资质等国际知名认证,并坚持与世界一流的供应商合作,精选原材料,保证产品质量。  作为负责任的企业公民,北江纺织一直秉承着\"承担社会责任,打造绿色纺织\"的经营宗旨,将可持续发展理念贯彻在企业经营的各个层面,包括倡导使用有机棉、再生棉/纤维、天丝等绿色原料;安装水、蒸汽和化学品回收使用装置;建立先进的污水处理系统以及采用镭射/臭氧技术减少洗水污染等。  北江纺织全球雇员超过1200人,在世界各地开设19个分公司及办事处,并整合全球资源设立了研发、设计和洗水三大技术中心,业务遍及30多个国家和地区,在过去十年间实现20%的年销售复合增长率。牛仔产品系列全面覆盖了男女款式、上下装、轻薄料到重磅牛仔,融合了纺织技术创新和市场最新潮流,在传统100%纯棉的基础上积极应用了各种新纤维和新材料,在展现迷人外观的同时,更提供了一流的舒适穿着体验。  公司还一直坚持以信息化战略推动企业发展,投入巨资打造ERP系统和自动化生产管理设备。2014年,作为全国仅有的两家纺织企业代表之一,北江纺织荣幸地被国家工信部授予\"互联网与工业融合创新试点企业\"称号。  应用信息技术,重塑纺织价值链,是北江纺织长期发展的愿景。我们将致力于为全球客户带来最佳的一站式采购体验,快速反应,提供多元化的产品与标准化的服务。' 

Tags: fashion , fashion week , Trends , moda , video , Barcelona , production , denim , tradeshow , young designers , Première Vision , lamodachannel

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