'In this episode of \'History in Color\' on The Ultimate Fashion History, fashion and cultural historian Amanda Hallay looks at the favored palettes of The War Years, theorizes on why they became popular, and how they would ultimately impact fashion. Here are the links for comments, contact, and the other episodes mentioned in this one. Join The UFH to comment and chat: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheUltimateFashionHistory/ Contact Amanda directly: amandahallay.com The 1940s on The Ultimate Fashion History https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHEt1X8dc3A&t=2s 1930s Fashion versus 1940s Fashion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2bcB8QCHXI&t=9s Fashion and The Good Neighbor Policy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2mmTXJHjC3g&t=729s HISTORY in COLOR: The 1950s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dL8mBvz-CjE'
Tags: ultimate fashion history , amanda hallay , UFH , World war 2 , best fashion history , fashion historian , history in color , 40s fashion , victory rolls , fashion in ww2 , fashion in the 40s , pinup fashion , 1940s color , 1940s palette , Good neighbor policy , WW2 uniforms , colonial revival , history of colour , colour in WW2 , bet fashion channel
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