'$3 Dress Thrift Store REFASHION to 1940s style Vintage Dress! - Thrift to Vintage ep6 In this Episode of Thrift to Vintage, I take this $3 thrift store dress I hunted down, and I transformed it into a beautiful 1940s vintage inspired look! I didn\'t change so much to the dress but, it was mostly the additions that really make the vintage statement on this! Garment - $3 thrift store dress Extras - all I had in already Time - 3.5 to 4 hours Skill level - collar is intermediate to advanced, everything else beginner ___________________ *Learn with me at VINTAGE SEWING SCHOOL : https://www.vintagesewingschool.com *My favourite SEWING SUPPLIES : https://www.amazon.com/shop/evelynwoodtv *Sign up for my newsletter https://www.evelynwood.com.au/signup #refashion #evelynwood #learntosew Want your own CUSTOM CLOTHING LABELS? I recommend https://www.dutchlabelshop.com (USE CODE - \' evelynwood15 \' for 15% off your order) Stick around and SUBSCRIBE for more videos ____________ LET\"S BE FRIENDS http://www.evelynwood.com.au https://www.instagram.com/evelyn__wood https://www.facebook.com/EvelynWoodVintage'
Tags: sewing , vintage style , thrift , 1940s fashion , refashion , refashion old clothes , Sewing vintage , learn to sew , thrifted transformations , Evelyn Wood , refashion thrift store clothes , diy vintage dress , how to refashion vintage dresses , Thift to Vintage , how to upcycle thrift store clothes , 1940s style costume , how to make a vintage dress , altering thift store clothes , altering vintage dresses
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