'We put on an amazingly fashion show at our Alaska state Fair modeling new styles and some of the older ones. We are sisters who are both retailers! For those local, we live across the street so you can shop us both in one quick stop. My name is Josie Murphy. I am the leader of the Aurora dreamers and support my family of six on my income from my small business. If you are interested in joining our team, send me a message. We\'d love to have you. If you\'d like to shop all the things, join us at www.facebook.com/groups/lularoejosiemaemurphy'
Tags: fashion show , perfect , joy , sahm , Sarah , Nicole , harvey , Lindsay , julia , cassie , shirley , mickeymouse , WAHM , smallbusiness , Alaska state fair , jaxon , Family style , lularoe , Irma , Minniemouse , Momstyle , Lularoeanddisney , Alaskafashion , Lularoeharvey , Lularoe Jaxon , Opportunity is knocking
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